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591 выпуск рассылки проекта История.Ру от 03.07.2022
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Спец.операция на Украине. Аналитика и факты
Санкции и контрсанкцииCracks emerge in Russian elite as tycoons start to bemoan invasion Oligarchs and financial officials are alarmed over the economic toll it’s taking and feel powerless to influence Putin In the two months since Russia invaded Ukraine, the silence — and even acquiescence — of the Russian elite has started to fray. Even as opinion polls report overwhelming public support for the military campaign, amid pervasive state propaganda and new laws outlawing criticism of the war, |
Вечная борьба Pоссии - 3How the Russian Media Spread False Claims About Ukrainian Nazis In the months since President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia called the invasion of Ukraine a “” mission, the lie that the government and culture of Ukraine are filled with dangerous “Nazis” has become a central theme of Kremlin propaganda about the war. A data set of nearly eight million articles about Ukraine collected from more than 8,000 Russian websites since 2014 shows that references to Nazism were relatively |
Зачем анафемой грозите вы Poccии - 2Под Орлом открылся новый центр селекции и семеноводства Накануне в поселке Добрый Орловского муниципального округа Орловской области открылся новый завод ООО НПО «Бетагран Семена» одного из селекционно-семеноводческих центров АО «Щелково Агрохим». Торжественная церемония |